Best High-paying Jobs For Single Moms

32 Best High-paying Jobs For Single Moms in 2024

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Are you looking for the best jobs for single moms? Being a single mother can be tough because you have to juggle both your job and taking care of your children. There aren’t many hours in a day, so it’s probably important for you to find a job that pays you well and lets you take care of your children.

The good news is that these days, there are many stay-at-home jobs available for moms. This means you don’t have to follow a strict 9 to 5 schedule, making it easier to balance work and family. Many personalized jobs allow you to create a better schedule to match your kids’ schedules (like when they’re in school!).

Whatever you’re looking for, there are many flexible jobs for single moms. Continue reading below to learn more!

Best Jobs for Single Moms

Below is a quick summary of some of the best jobs for single moms.

  • Bookkeeper – You can organize finances for businesses and have flexible working hours. With quick training, entry-level bookkeeping jobs can start at around $20 an hour, but with experience, you can earn much more.
  • Bloggers – Bloggers get to work from home and make their own schedule, which is great for anyone, including single moms.
  • Tutor – Tuition probably fits well with your child’s school schedule. Whether full-time, substitute, or part-time, teaching can be a good option.
  • Virtual Assistant – This job involves helping businesses with online tasks, and you can usually make your own schedule.
  • Babysitting – If you enjoy taking care of children, babysitting for others can be a way to make money while taking care of yourself.

Below, you can learn about each of these, as well as several great jobs for single moms.

1. Daycare (and bring your kid)

Finding a job where you can bring your child with you is one way you can save on childcare costs, and keeping an eye on other people’s children is one way to do this.

You can start your own daycare or find a job in a daycare.

If you want to start a home daycare, you’ll want to check your state’s regulations for home daycare, such as whether you need a license. You will also need a safe space for the children as well as toys and games.

You can also try finding a job at a daycare in your local area. Many daycare centers allow you to bring your own child, or they will give you a discounted rate to attend daycare while you work.

Another option is to become a nanny or babysitter for a family that allows you to have your child there as well.

Starting a daycare, working at one, or becoming a nanny can be profitable. You earn money and don’t have to worry about finding someone to take care of your child. Plus, your child gets a chance to play and learn with other children.

2. Blogger

Blogging is one of the best jobs for single moms, and that’s because you can work from home, make your own flexible schedule, and be your own boss; These are all reasons why I think this is one of the best jobs for stay-at-home single moms.

Plus, to get started, you don’t need a lot of stuff – just a computer and the Internet.

I do this myself while taking care of my daughter, Marlo. Blogging allows me to travel whenever I want, make my own work schedule, earn good money, write about my favorite topics, and I really enjoy having a blogging business.

3. Virtual assistant

As a single mother, you may be looking for a job that fits your schedule. Working as a Virtual Assistant (VA) could be your answer because you get to work from home and choose the hours that work for you.

I have worked as a virtual assistant before, and I also have virtual assistants who help me with my business. Many parents have told me that a virtual assistant job is one of the best jobs for stay-at-home moms because it’s so flexible, and I agree!

A VA is a person who works from home as someone else’s assistant. Nowadays, many businesses can be operated from home, so it makes sense that an assistant can also work from home.

A virtual assistant can perform other tasks such as managing social media accounts, formatting and editing content, scheduling appointments, handling travel plans, managing email, and overseeing Facebook groups, among other tasks.

4. Sell printables

Selling printables is a great work from home business idea for single moms. This is because you can do this while your kids are sleeping or in school and earn passive income too!

Printables are digital files that people purchase, download, and print themselves. These might include planners, calendars, wall art, grocery shopping checklists, weekly meal plans that one keeps on their fridge, and educational worksheets for children.

You can sell your printables on websites like Etsy. This is a way to make money from home because you only need to create one digital file for each product, and you can sell it multiple times. You don’t need to print or send anything to your customers. You create a digital file; Your customer buys it, downloads it, and it takes care of the rest.

5. Customer service representative

Primary Duties: The main role of a customer service professional is to interact directly with customers on behalf of the recruiting organization. Their primary duty is to provide relevant information on the products and services sold by the company and respond to complaints made by customers.

Most of the work revolves around answering customer questions and resolving issues. Many customer service representatives complete most of their work via computers and phones, which means remote opportunities are available within some companies.

6. Freelance writer

If you’re a single mom looking for a job you can do from home, freelance writing may be a good fit for you. This is a job where you write articles, blog posts, and sometimes even books for money. You don’t have to work in an office; You can write from anywhere, even on your kitchen table.

I have been a freelance writer for years, and this can be a great career option for someone who wants to work from home.

When you are starting out as a freelance writer, you can start writing articles that pay around $50 or more for each article. However, the amount of money you can make can vary greatly. You may be able to make around $50,000 per year, and I know several freelance writers who are moms who make over $200,000 per year.

Many people are looking for freelance writers and there are lots of opportunities for growth in this job. This can be a great career to start with.

7. Marketing Representative

Primary Duties: Marketing representatives use specific techniques and strategies to increase customer awareness of the products or services sold by the recruiting company. They work closely with development and sales teams to calculate the right pricing and determine the most effective sales and marketing channels to promote products and services.

Most employers prefer to recruit marketing representatives with a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, but there are also many available roles where previous experience with marketing or sales is sufficient for consideration.

8. Book Author

If you love telling stories or sharing your knowledge, writing books could be an ideal job for you as a single mom. You can make your own schedule and work from anywhere, even from your own home. Writing can be done at a time that best suits your schedule, such as when your children are in school or sleeping.

To publish your book, there are two options:

  • Traditional publishing – You submit your manuscript to publishers. If a publisher likes your work, they will print, distribute, and market your book for you. In return, you will earn royalties from sales.
  • Self-Publishing – Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allow you to self-publish your book. You control every aspect and get a higher percentage of the sales, but you also handle marketing and distribution.

The amount of money you can make as a book author can vary greatly. As a first-time author, getting published can be challenging, and it takes time to earn a substantial income. If you self-publish and your book becomes popular, you can earn a good amount of money. But, it is not guaranteed.

9. Graphic designer

Graphic design is a creative work that involves creating artwork and visual designs. You can create designs for websites (like logos), advertisements, or printed materials like brochures and magazines.

Your work helps companies communicate with their customers through attractive and effective visuals.

This can be a great job for single moms, as you may be able to find a work-from-home job as a graphic designer, or even start your own business where you can set your own flexible schedule. Can make.

10. Data entry clerk

Primary Duties: Data entry primarily involves using a computer to enter data into a company’s system. The data collected can come from many sources, such as audio files, hand-written forms, and Internet feedback forms.

Data entry jobs are generally computer-based, making them suitable for a home-based position. They rarely require any prior acquired skills or degrees, except basic computer skills and typing speed.

11. Social media manager

Becoming a social media manager can be a great fit for single moms who are looking for remote work jobs.

Social media managers are in charge of social media accounts for businesses or people. Their job is to post on social media, respond to comments, and keep everyone interested.

This may include TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, X (formally known as Twitter), and more.

I’ve been a social media manager for companies, and it’s a great job that allows you to have a flexible schedule. This means you can work when it suits you – like when the kids are at school or sleeping.

12. Real estate agent

If you are a single mother and want to balance work and family, becoming a real estate agent may be a good fit for you. As a real estate agent, you help people buy and sell homes.

To become a real estate agent, all you need is a high school diploma and a license.

In 2021, the average pay for this job was $23.45 per hour, which is approximately $48,770 per year. But, many real estate agents earn much more than this.

13. Travel consultant

Primary Duties: Travel advisors talk to customers and help them plan trips. The consultant can provide information about several destinations or help the client figure out which vacations are within their budget. This is a great job for single parents because they can often do it from home.

14. Proofreader

Proofreaders read documents and check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, and they make sure everything is correct before it is printed or published online. They review books, articles, blog posts, social media content, newspapers, advertisements, etc.

If you want flexible work hours, proofreading is a good option. Depending on your experience and the complexity of the job, you can earn $20 to $50 and even more per hour.

As a single mom, this job lets you balance work with taking care of your kids. You can usually set your own schedule and work from home, which can make life a little easier.

15. Bookkeeper

If you are a single mother, becoming a bookkeeper may be a good option for you. Bookkeepers manage money records for businesses by keeping track of all the money coming in and going out.

If you work as an online bookkeeper, you can earn around $40,000 or more per year. Typically, this involves managing finances for around 12 to 16 clients.

Becoming an online bookkeeper is great because you don’t need to be an accountant or have any prior experience. Furthermore, virtual bookkeeping is a service that many people are looking for, so it is in demand.

16. Graphic designer

Primary Duties: Graphic designers create artwork and other visual effects used in advertising materials, print media, webpages, and other forms of promotional material. They use editing software and design knowledge to meet company or client requests.

Specific requirements for this position are creativity and a strong knowledge of photo editing programs. Many websites offer project-based graphic designer roles, making the work very flexible.

17. Transcriptionist

As a transcriptionist, your job is to listen to audio or video files and transcribe what you hear into text. This is a job you can do from home, making it a good option if you’re a single mom looking for flexible work.

The biggest advantage of this job is flexibility. You can usually choose when and how much work you want to do (like when your kids are sleeping or when they’re at school). This can make it much easier to balance work and family.

You need to be able to type fast and accurately and attention to detail is important because you need to capture every single word.

18. Data entry clerk

Data entry clerks enter information into databases or spreadsheets. They type things like numbers and names into the computer to keep everything organized and make sure records are accurate.

Jobs in data entry typically pay around $15 to $20 per hour.

19. Customer service representative

Customer service representatives help people by answering questions and resolving problems over the phone or online, which means they can sometimes work from home.

On average, customer service representatives earn approximately $35,868 per year as an average salary. This will change depending on where you work and how much experience you have.

Some large companies like Apple, Progressive, US Bank, American Express, and U-Haul employ customer service representatives who can work from home. This means you can work from the comfort of your home.

20. Dog walker or pet sitter

If you’re a single mom and looking for a job that fits your schedule, you might consider becoming a dog walker or pet sitter. This type of job lets you choose when you work, which is great for making sure you have time for your kids.

As a dog walker, you walk dogs for people who are busy or away from home. You can take them to the neighborhood or to a park. If you’re a pet sitter, you take care of pets when their owners are out of town or at work.

The amount of money you earn may vary. Some jobs may pay you per day, such as $15 to $25 per hour, or a flat rate such as $75 per day. How much you earn depends on how many pets you care for and how much time you spend with them.

21. BabyQuip

If you’re a mom and looking for something flexible, Babyquip might be worth a look. This is a service where you can rent baby gear like strollers and car seats to traveling parents — getting started is simple: Apply online, and Babyquip will guide you through the process.

After all as a mom, you probably already have a lot of baby equipment that you can rent out to make money.

With Babyquip, you earn money by renting out items you already own or are planning to invest in for rental. Since parents travel, clean and safe baby gear is always in demand.

People using Babyquip can earn around $1,000 per month on average, and some people even make more than $10,000 per month.

At BabyQuip, you can rent cribs, strollers, car seats, high chairs, toys, bouncers, books, hiking packs, and many more.

22. Teacher

As a single mother, teaching can be a great career for you. As a teacher, you typically work even when your children are in school.

Most teaching assignments follow the traditional school year calendar. This means you usually have school holidays as well as summer vacations, which can help you spend time with your children.

23. Programmer

Coders and programmers create all the software or hardware code to create anything from a website to an app, phone, laptop, or game console’s hardware. This is an in-demand field, where salaries easily top $80,000, and can rise to $200,000 or more with experience (although a degree is not always required).

The payment schedule depends on whether you are an independent contractor or work for a company.

Even programmers working for large corporations often work online, remotely from home.

To become a coder, there are free and paid online courses available through Harvard’s edX or Code Academy. From there, you’ll want to learn how to build a website using source code—which you can do on your own.

Google’s UX Design Professional Certificate will help you learn the skills you need to become a user-experience developer in under six months.

Learning to code as a military spouse can open the door to many high-paying jobs that you can do from home. Plus, you can do all your training without leaving home or while traveling the country with your military spouse.

24. Accounting jobs

Every business and most individuals need an accountant at some point – and much of the work can be done remotely from home. Whether you’re a CPA, bookkeeper, or accounting assistant, there are many job opportunities in a variety of industries for all levels of education and experience.

25. Childcare provider jobs

Childcare jobs can range from an occasional babysitter to a part-time or full-time nanny position, to working in a family home, or becoming a childcare provider at a daycare center.

Childcare providers may choose to open a daycare center in their home. In this case, they may decide to watch multiple children in addition to their own (if they have any), while some people work for someone else to watch their children as a nanny, or on an hourly basis. Take care of children sporadically.

Most childcare providers get paid as work is completed, although full-time provider jobs are likely to be paid on a weekly or biweekly basis.

The requirements for this job really depend on what type of daycare position you want. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that many states require private, home daycare centers to be licensed.

To qualify for a license, you’ll probably have to pass a background check and keep up-to-date records of vaccinations. You may also need to meet a minimum training requirement and become certified in CPR.

Some states also require childcare workers to earn a credential, such as the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential offered by the Council for Professional Accreditation. This credential requires childcare experience as well as some coursework.

26. Doula

If you are a single mother and looking for a job, you may want to become a doula. Doulas assist women during labor, but your work can also extend to helping mothers after childbirth.

They exist to offer comfort, encouragement, and wisdom throughout the pregnancy journey, labor, and postpartum period.

27. Photographer

As a single mother, becoming a photographer can be a rewarding job option for you. With a camera and some practice, you can start taking photos people will enjoy.

To get started, you need a good camera. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be the most expensive. You also need to learn about lighting and how to frame a good photo. There are plenty of free tutorials online, such as on YouTube, if you want to learn more.

The best thing about photography is that you can make your own schedule. You decide when to book the photo shoot, which can be great for balancing time with your kids. It is possible to do photo shoots on weekends or during special events such as weddings.

You can make money by selling your photos online or working directly with clients. Graduations, weddings, family pictures, and even pet photos can be great occasions. Prices vary depending on the work, but as you gain experience, you can charge more for your work.

As you grow, you can invest in better equipment and editing software to increase the quality of your photos. This helps you stand out and can get you more jobs and higher salaries.

I know many moms who are successful photographers and love running photography businesses.

28. Instacart shopper

If you’re a single mom and looking for a job that fits your schedule, becoming an Instacart shopper might be a good option. Instacart is a service that lets people order groceries online, and shoppers like you do the shopping and have the orders delivered to their homes.

When you’re an Instacart shopper, you can set your own hours. This means you can work when it works best for you, like when your kids are at school or sleeping. As a shopper, you get a payment card from Instacart to buy groceries at the store.

Buyers typically earn about $11 to $20 per hour. It’s important to remember that as an independent contractor, you’ll have additional costs like gas and vehicle maintenance that you’ll need to think about when estimating your earnings.

29. Paralegal

As a single mother, you may find the role of paralegal interesting. This is a job where you work in a law firm or legal department, helping lawyers prepare and research legal documents.

Your typical work hours are probably Monday through Friday, which fits well with the school-week schedule.

Paralegals earn approximately $30,000 to $35,000 per year.

30. Dental assistant

As a single mom, if you’re looking for a job that lets you help people and has regular hours, you may want to become a dental assistant. In this job, you work in a dentist’s office and help the dentist with patients.

Your duties may include preparing equipment, making sure patients are comfortable, and teaching them how to care for their teeth.

You’ll have a busy week, but you usually won’t have to work nights or weekends. This is great because it matches your kids’ school schedule.

31. Corporate travel consultant

Credit card companies, travel firms, and hospitality-related businesses employ travel consultants to assist corporate clients with travel planning, itinerary booking, and emergency assistance.

These jobs are entirely virtual, requiring the consultant to work over the phone or via email, chat, and sometimes social media.

With full-time and part-time schedules, moms with excellent customer service skills and a desire to help others will find success in these roles.

Most travel jobs are paid on commission or a percentage of the cost of the booked trip.

Although corporate travel jobs may pay lower hourly rates than some of the other jobs on this list (usually in the $15 to $20 per hour range), the fact that you can work flexible hours makes this a great option. It becomes easy to combine the job with another job. Can do it from home. Another benefit: This job makes it easy to keep your eye on travel deals!

32. Sleep consultant

Sleep is really important for children’s development and health, and it’s important for parents too. But sometimes, parents find it difficult to ensure that their children get the sleep they need.

Pediatric sleep consultants are very helpful in solving children’s sleep problems, making it easier for families to have peaceful nights. If you really enjoy working with children and want to make a positive difference in their lives, becoming a sleep coach could be a great career choice.

I’ve personally learned from sleep consultants in the past, and I know several other people who have hired sleep consultants as well. These are usually mothers who have first-hand experience with improving their baby’s sleep.

Bottom line: What are some high-paying careers for single moms?

Starting a career as a bookkeeper, proofreader, or programmer/coder is a great way to increase your earnings in a short period. Some courses in these fields can be completed in as little as six months.

Bookkeepers enjoy great pay, flexibility in work hours and environments, and meaningful work that helps businesses keep their financial data organized. Bookkeepers with experience can earn more than $100,000 per year.

Some proofreaders are self-taught, but there are comprehensive courses Bookkeeper Launch On average, an experienced proofreader can bring home $56,000 or more per year.

Programmers and coders are in demand, earn excellent salaries, and have room for growth. You don’t need a degree to get started. You can learn online and practice your skills on your own time. Expect to earn $80,000 to $200,000 or more with experience.

Another great option with excellent pay and a quick startup? Project Management.

Project managers can start their careers earning more than $80,000 and move up from there. You can quickly get a certificate to start this work, although these positions do not require any degrees or qualifications, can often be done from home, and demand is expected to grow.

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